Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Communication Arts Illustration Competition

So, thanx to Bruno, I got to submit my piece to this Communication Arts Illustration Competition. And even though I had only 2 days to make "something", I was able to make the deadline! Yay me! Yay 6 hours of sleep in 2 days!

I admit, I wasn't gonna show it to anybody because I feel it could use at least 5 more hours of work. I like it ok, but I'm not totally happy with it. But I know I must stop this lame behavior; being afraid to show my stuff. So here it is.

One of my art teachers in college has told me to make up some awesome explanation for my work when I told him I had nothing to say about it. I don't know, maybe the dude's right, then again, sometimes it's just what it is; a picture.

I think I'm going to let everybody's imagination go wild and come up with a fantastical story of their own about a girl riding on a sea turtle.

I had a really agonizing time coming up with an idea, but once I knew where I was going, I had much fun working on it.

I'm excited to do more illustrations like this one.

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